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On the Destruction and Death Drives

On the Destruction and Death Drives
Author: André Green
Editor: Howard B. Levine

What drives men to kill and self-destruct? André Green traces the introduction and development of the controversial concept of the “death drive”, from the work of Freud (1920–1938) to the main contributions of classical and post-Freudian authors, including Ferenczi, Klein, Bion, Winnicott, and Lacan.

The Post-Bionian Field Theory of Antonino Ferro Theoretical Analysis and Clinical Application

The Post-Bionian Field Theory of Antonino Ferro
Theoretical Analysis and Clinical Application
Editor: Howard B. Levine

Written by members of the Boston Group for Psychoanalytic Studies who have maintained a close and fruitful collaboration with Ferro and his colleagues, the book centers on understanding, engaging and treating primitive mental states. Ferro's Field Theory operationalizes Bion’s concept of an analyst who is not the repository of ‘the truth’, but is instead one who has the capacity to listen, to dwell in doubt, to utilize reverie, humor and play, and facilitate the transformation of previously unthinkable aspects of the patient’s experience into articulatable mental elements such as pictorial images, thoughts and dreams. Ferro’s contributions and their analysis are especially relevant to working with primitive character disorders, the difficulties of which lie beyond neurosis and the comfortable reach of the precepts of classical analytic technique.

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